7 Common Myths About Cataract Surgery Debunked

Cataract surgery is more common than you think in India. In fact, as per government data, 83.4 lakh cataract surgeries were carried out successfully in 2022-2023. Yet, there are so many myths that surround this surgical process.

Truth be told, it is entirely normal for individuals to be worried about their health and surgical outcomes. What’s not normal is believing everything blindly. For this reason, today, we are going to debunk some of the common myths about cataract treatment. Let’s start!

Myth 1: Cataract Is Only For The Elderly

Guess what? No. There are different types of cataracts, each with a special cause. Of these types, age-related cataract is the only cataract that develops as you age. There’s still a good chance that you may develop other types of cataracts.

For instance, secondary cataracts may arise due to an existing medical condition like diabetes. They can also develop as complications from other eye surgeries like Glaucoma surgery.

Similarly, there is a traumatic cataract, which may or may not develop immediately after an injury or trauma to the eye. In fact, you may be born with a cataract. So, the baseline? Cataracts can impact anyone at any age.

Also ReadWhat Are the Different Types of Cataracts: Causes and Treatment Options

Myth 2: Cataract Surgery Should Only Be Done When It Ripens

This myth stems from the belief that cataracts need to “ripen” or fully mature before they can be removed. However, waiting for a cataract to ripen is outdated. In reality, cataract surgery should be considered when the cataract begins to interfere with your daily activities and quality of life.

With modern surgical techniques and technology, cataract surgery is safe and effective at any stage of cataract development. In fact, delaying surgery until the cataract is fully ripe can actually make the procedure more challenging and increase the risk of complications for you.

Myth 3: Cataract Surgery Is Risky And Takes Time To Heal

Cataract surgery actually has a success rate of 98% in adults. As a result, it is one of the safest procedures to undergo.

Moreover, it is a painless procedure, and individuals can resume their normal activities (of course, with some TLC) shortly after the surgery.

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Myth 4: Cataract Surgery Is Not Effective For Severe Cataracts

Like with any medical procedure, the more severe it gets, the more attention it needs. Yet this does not suggest that it is not practical. In such cases, the surgery just gets a little more complex.

Additionally, the individual may need to stay back longer in the hospital for more intensive post-surgery care. Moreover, their return to daily activities may be a bit more delayed. But that’s all! The individual will still benefit from the surgery.

Myth 5: Cataract Surgery Requires Hospitalisation

Many individuals believe that cataract surgery involves a lengthy hospital stay, but in reality, it’s typically performed as an outpatient procedure. The procedure itself normally takes only about 10 to 12 minutes per eye.

After the surgery, patients are monitored for some time to ensure there are no immediate complications. For instance, bleeding or infection. Once they are cleared by the doctor, they are free to go home with a caregiver. Of course, the individual needs to come back for routine checkups.

Myth 6: Everyone Undergoes The Same Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is not a one-size-fits-all. After all, if the type of cataract can be different from one person to another, so can the individual’s suitability for a procedure. Like cataract types there are various types of cataract surgeries as well. For instance, traditional phacoemulsification and laser-assisted cataract surgery.

The final procedure depends on your needs and preferences. Your doctor will recommend the best one to suit your needs.

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Myth 7: Cataract Surgery Is Temporary

Well, not true at all! Cataract surgery is the permanent solution for cataracts. Here’s why! Cataracts are basically lumps of proteins that have lost their elasticity. So when an individual undergoes the surgery, they remove the cloudy lens and replace it with a new artificial lens. As a result, it cannot grow back.


So there you have it! 7 common myths about cataract surgery and the actual truth. Remember, simply believing the tales that go around, especially related to your health and the medical field, can stop you from getting yourself the best treatment possible. So read up, fact-check, and get the best for yourself and your family from the best eye care hospital.

At Shree Ramkrishna Netralaya, we provide top-of-the-line eye treatments empowered by cutting-edge technology. If you seek a trusted partner to address your vision-related needs, your search ends here. We are committed to serving you with excellence. Contact us today!